Doctor getting sample from patient for testing

COVID-19 testing tells you when you may have a contagious respiratory illness that requires you to self-quarantine for at least five days. At Excelsior Urgent Care & Primary care in Bowie, Maryland, our team provides COVID-19 testing with lab tests and rapid tests when you have symptoms or have been near someone else who does. Schedule your COVID-19 testing appointment over the phone or book one online today!

What is COVID-19 testing?

COVID-19 testing includes tests that indicate an active or past infection of COVID-19, a contagious respiratory illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This disease now has vaccines available, but you can still catch the illness whether or not you’ve been vaccinated. However, individuals who have been vaccinated and boosted tend to experience much milder illness. 

  • We offer on-site testing for COVID-19 at Excelsior Urgent Care and Primary Care.
  • You don’t need an appointment for a COVID test. You can just walk in to our Bowie location at 12520 Fairwood Parkway
  • Wait time for COVID testing is low and you can usually be in an out in less than 30 minutes if you’re not having symptoms.
  • One of our medical providers can assess you if you’re having symptoms and, if your COVID test is positive, the proper treatment can be prescribed for you.

It’s possible to test positive for COVID-19 without any symptoms after you’ve been exposed. Symptoms that occur can range in duration and severity and include:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Body aches
  • Trouble breathing
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Congestion
  • Fatigue

As new strains of the virus continue to arise and spread, other symptoms can result from COVID-19. The team at Excelsior Urgent Care & Primary Care provides COVID-19 testing to rule out or diagnose the illness. 

How does COVID-19 testing work?

COVID-19 tests can tell you whether or not you have an active infection. While there is a small margin of error with false-negatives and the less common false-positive test results, you can rely on COVID-19 testing to tell you when to self-isolate to avoid potentially spreading the illness.

There are two types of COVID-19 viral tests:

Rapid tests

A rapid test gives you results in minutes. The team uses a nasal swab to extract a sample of mucus that they can test right away. Fifteen to 30 minutes after your test, you get the results and the team informs you if you need to take any further steps. The team might advise you to schedule a follow-up test. 

Laboratory tests

Laboratory tests are generally more reliable. The results for PCR testing are performed on-site and are available the same day, typically within 1 to 3 hours, after the team takes a nasal swab or a saliva sample. You don’t need to book a follow-up test.

When should I get COVID-19 testing?

There are a few different circumstances when you should get a viral test to show an active infection. You should schedule a viral test at Excelsior Urgent Care & Primary Care when you:

  • Have symptoms typical of COVID-19
  • Were in close contact with someone who has tested positive
  • When you need to screen ahead of an event or congregate setting
  • Before and after you travel
  • Are asked to get tested by a medical professional

If you come into contact with someone who has symptoms or tests positive, you should make sure you schedule a test within five days of your contact. The team interprets your results and lets you know if you need to take any further steps, like self-isolating or contacting friends and family who have been in close proximity to you. 

Call us at (301) 262-2300 for more information

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